Peter Galloway Historic Preservation and Consulting has years of experience in saving the historic fabric of our beloved old homes.  We consult with clients on how best to restore their house so that generations to come can enjoy the craftsmanship of a bygone era.  

Peter Galloway Historic Preservation and Consulting

At Peter Galloway Historic Preservation and Consulting, our mission is to save what bestows timelessness upon historic structures. Our goal is to preserve the soul of each property, safeguarding the intricate woodwork, original flooring, and plaster for example– the elements that embody its historical integrity. We are here to guide our clients through optimal preservation practices that not only protect these characteristics but also ensure their homes echo comfort and individuality.

We are dedicated in our commitment to meticulous attention to detail, unwavering dedication to quality craftsmanship, and the celebration of heritage in every project we undertake. Our extensive portfolio is a testament to our expertise in breathing new life into historic properties while honoring their storied pasts.

It is our promise to assist you with a multitude of strategies to curate and care for your historic home or building, ensuring its legacy continues so that future generations may appreciate its beauty and significance. We are Peter Galloway Historic Preservation and Consulting – where your history is our future.



I'm Peter Galloway, a professional dedicated to breathing new life into historical buildings, with a touch of 18th-century grace and charm.

From Chicago Roots to International Flair

Born and bred in the bustling city of Chicago, I found my love for architectural splendor punctuated by the city's skyline. My academic endeavors took me to Clemson University, where the tapestry of International Business and the allure of the Spanish language filled my studies. Yet, my passion for architecture, art, and history—an ember sparked while wandering the storied avenues of Europe during family travels—never waned.

Bridging Interests into a Career

Before entering the world of preservation, I embarked on a completely different career path, working in cardiac mapping for Biosense Webster, a Johnson & Johnson subsidiary. Although this role was fulfilling, my entrepreneurial spirit yearned for something more. This desire for independence led us to purchase our first project: a circa 1884 Victorian house. Taking on this project nearly a decade ago was a profound learning experience, teaching us the dos and don'ts of preservation and setting the foundation for our future endeavors in the field.

There's a unique narrative that every building tells, etched into its very structure. While my professional path led me to the world of business, the siren call of historical architecture was an undeniable force. Charleston—an epitome of architectural elegance with familial roots—nourished my love for historical artistry, especially that of the 18th century.

Incorporating my business acumen with my abiding interest in the building arts, I embarked on a fulfilling career in architectural restoration. I've had the privilege of restoring venerable buildings, ensuring their stories endure for future generations to revel in.

Commitment to Preservation

Leveraging a solid work ethic, meticulous attention to detail, persistent research, creativity, and exceptional communication skills, I have contributed significantly to the field of preservation. My projects echo a bygone era's craftsmanship, mirrored in the present day's aesthetic and structural integrity.


My proficiency in both English and Spanish has served as a bridge in a domain where diverse cultural backgrounds converge, especially pertinent in the culturally rich Lowcountry and Coastal Georgia area.

Join me as we unveil timeless beauty, transformed and tailored for today's appreciation. Whether you share a passion for historical architecture or seek knowledge and expertise on restoration, you're in the right place.

Peter Galloway - Restorer of the Past, Conserver of the Past.

  • "Peter's creative vision, personalized approach, and exceptional research skills resulted in a design that perfectly aligned with our restoration plans."